Find hope and belonging in a thriving faith community.
Avoid Isolation and Disconnection
Are you feeling alone on your spiritual journey?
- Finding it hard to experience God's love
- Feeling misunderstood and alone
- Continuous feelings of isolation
- Struggling to connect with God
- Lack of genuine community support
- Loss of hope and need spiritual guidance
- Absence of authentic and relevant worship experiences
a welcoming community awaits you
Belong to a faith family overflowing with support and grace.
- Meaningful connections with others pursuing faith.
- Access to deep worship experiences and relevant teaching.
- Guided support on your spiritual journey.
- Opportunities to serve your neighbors and put God's love into action.
3 Simple steps to connect
Welcome to this community of faith. Gatherings on Sunday morning are designed to help you grow close to God and to the people in this family as we sing, pray, experience the message of Jesus and discover how our living can be transformed into joy, peace, hope and love. Join via livestream or on our Facebook page.
Join a Small group COMMUNITY
Being an instrument of hope to our community starts with families that come in all shapes and sizes. "Living in Community" means walking side by side through the ups and downs of life. It's more than simply going to worship on Sunday - it's knowing that you've got safe connections with people who want to live life with you.
engage in serving
Serving is at the heart of the Christian life. Our Wesleyan heritage teaches we are to grow in compassion for our neighbor and serve with our community in ways that build the common good. We rely on worship and study to fuel and inform our work to build the Kingdom of God and serve as instruments of hope.
Discover more about ttumc by getting connected
Lenten Series & study
March 9 - Aril 20
10:30 AM Worship & Various Small Groups
When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are tuning our heart using these important words. Each line of the prayer is a commitment of ourselves as much as it is a request to God.
Join us in Sunday worship each week at 10:30 AM to learn about how Jesus instructs us to pray.
common bond gospel concert
Sunday, March 9, 2025
5:30 PM
Cash Love Offering
The group began in 2009 with four friends who loved Southern Gospel Quartet music. In the past 10 years, Common Bond has twice been nominated as a ‘New Horizon Group’ of the year with 10 songs on the Singing News Gospel Music charts.
Known for performing songs that minister to your heart and speak truth to your soul their smooth harmonies, clarity and a bit of humor are entertaining and inspiring.
Get a better Job Workshop
March 28 & 31, 6 to 7:30 PM
Two days of skills training plus hiring event on April 3
Light dinner & child care available
make your initial connection
Meet our Zoe Empowers Group
This is a mission of TTUMC where we partner with Zoe Empowers to help children escape extreme poverty.
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This is the best way to stay up to date with all the latest happening at and through TTUMC.