The Lord's Prayer
Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. We remember it as the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. But do we really understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words, what we ask of God each time we pray it?
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus gave them this prayer. He likely taught it to his followers often, not just one time. He never intended the Lord’s Prayer to be a museum piece, framed and placed on a mantel or in a display case. It was Jesus teaching God’s people, through his disciples, how to pray.
In The Lord’s Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught, pastor and bestselling author Adam Hamilton guides us to really know—and really pray—the Lord’s Prayer. He explores each of its rich lines and their meaning in the Bible, illuminating what we ask of God and what we ask of ourselves through its words. And he teaches us how to use it as a pattern for our own prayer life.
lent Study
6 Week StudyStarts the Week of Sunday, March 9Various Small Groups available throughout the week -
Sojourners class - adult Sunday school
Covenant Class meets 9-10 AM Sunday mornings in the Youth Room.
Teachers: Tracy Johnston and Clete Hansen
Peace Seekers
Adult Class meets 9-10 AM in Room 33.
Teacher: Woody Hale
Upper Room - Scripture Study and Discussion
Adult Class meets Wednesdays 10:30 to 11:30 AM in the Church Campus Courtyard Gazebo
Facilitator: Ann Springer