Worship connects, transforms and fuels hope

Christianity emphasizes the importance of community with God and with God’s people. While community can be messy, it’s also beautiful—a beautiful mess being part of a church. More significantly, it serves as a physical reminder that we are not alone.

When we worship together, we are reminded that faith and life are not solely about the individual. Worship helps us comprehend a greater purpose for our existence. It connects us to God while also connecting us to our neighbors.

At TTUMC, worship is an authentic reflection of the gathered community. We sing, pray, read scripture, and participate in the sacraments (communion and baptism) for the purpose of experiencing and responding to God’s grace—that unconditional love that flows from God to every human being. We offer our praise, our lives, our concerns, our confessions, and our offerings so that the Kingdom of God can flourish in our hearts, our community, and beyond.