financial support for ukraine victims and refugees

The Florida Conference and TTUMC are offering three ways to take action helping to provide support for refugees and those caught in the conflict. 

TTUMC hosted a dance troupe from Ukraine called "Radost" in 2019. The team is based in the city of Dnipro which has just begun to receive shelling and cruise missile attacks. Some of the group has fled the country but most remain in the city. Several of the 100 student's families are struggling with buying food and medicine. Others are wondering how they will flee the city if necessary and have the resources to do so. 

TTUMC is accepting funds that will be transferred to the dance troupe's leader to be distributed to needy families in his organization. TTUMC will receive a complete accounting of the funds, stories of the families helped, and pictures.  

To Help Radost Dance Troupe within Ukraine: 

  • Online: Click HERE and designate "mission outreach"
  • Cash or Check: Use the offering envelopes in the worship center lobby or mail checks to church office, designate your donation: "RADOST"

To give to the Florida Conference of the UMC work use the information below. 100% of your gift will go right away to United Methodist churches in Ukraine and Poland on the front lines of this refugee humanitarian crisis.

To Help Refugees within Ukraine: 

  • Online: Click HERE to give online. Designate your donation: “Ukraine Refugees.”
  • By Phone: Call toll free 888-252-6174 to make your gift. Credit card gifts can be accepted by phone.
  • By Mail: Make checks payable to ADVANCE GCFA and send it to: Advance GCFA, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY 10087-9068. Write “Advance #14053A-Ukraine Refugees” on the Memo line

To Help Ukraine Refugees in Poland:

  • By Mail: Make check payable to the "Florida Conference Treasurer" and send it to: FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CENTER, Attn: Icel Rodriguez, 450 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., Lakeland, FL  33815. Write "Adv # 102130-Ukraine Refugees" on the memo line.