You can reach us by calling the office at (813) 988-4141. You can also contact us by emailing, or by clicking here to submit your request. Please call or email if you have any questions!
Questions? Let us help!
Questions? Let us help!
You can reach us by calling the office at (813) 988-4141. You can also contact us by emailing, or by clicking here to submit your request. Please call or email if you have any questions!
campus map
Before you visit, please review our campus map for information about parking, the children's building, and other important locations on our campus.
interested in membership
We believe a member commits the following vow: to support the church and its ministries with our prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Membership unlocks the ability to serve in certain leadership roles that determine the direction of the church as an organization and the day to day operations that accomplish our vision for ministry. It is an annual commitment that requires personal investment and faithfulness to the membership vows.