opportunities to serve

  • weekly opportunity

    The closet is housed on the church campus and operates Wednesday 10a-2p and by appointment. We believe providing new clothes, shoes, and school supplies to foster kids helps remove a barrier to  acceptance and gives them something of value they can call their own. 

    There are numerous opportunities to serve that fit a variety of skill sets. 

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  • Worship technology

    Sound, lighting, cameras, video, livestream, projection, directing, producing...if you like it "behind the scenes" then this may be a great fit for you. 

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  • Hospitality

    Greet persons as they arrive on campus, help guests find connection, usher, direct parking, and other MORE INFORMATION

  • campus development

    The campus is an important tool that houses ministry. We service our grounds and building through volunteers. There are opportunities for general help and specialized skills. A group meets Wednesday mornings from 7 - 8:30 am to care for the campus. Breakfast and conversation follow at a local restaurant.


  • Music

    Proficient with an instrument or as a vocalist? Join the worship band and help lead God's people in worship on campus and online.


  • Prayer team

    The prayer team receives requests and concerns from the congregation and shares them through email. Team members commit to pray for the concerns daily, inviting God' intervention and care.

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  • visiting the sick and homebound

    The work of compassion is vital to the life of the congregation. This team visits hospitals, nursing homes and members that are permanently or temporarily homebound. Phone calls and cards of encouragement are also part of this important expression of God's love.

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